
To inspire us, share and learn from other experiences.
10:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m
Micro:bit Foundationn
10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m
IOT with Micro:bit
Speaker: Daniel Lux. CEO & Co-founder of Seluxit, company dedicated to IOT projects and creators of the Wappsto:bit platform for micro:bit
11:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m
AI with micro:bit in the classroom
11:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m
Micro:bit and Scratch: better together
11:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m
The micro:bit and the 5th digital competence: how to enjoy and evaluate
Speaker: Salvador Pérez Descals
Centre: Mentor SSTT in the Penedès, CRP Garraf
10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m
STEAMem Castelldefels
The presentation will present the STEAMem Castelldefels project, which aims 4th grade ESO students to work on STEAM curriculum content and develop didactic proposals for primary school children as a community service.
In this process, students learn to work as a team and coordinate with elementary school teachers to carry out activities that include robotics, sensing and programming, using resources such as the micro:bit. This seeks to achieve learning goals and promote a STEAM pathway for high school students.
Speaker: Antoni Alberich Carramiñana and M. Josep Oró Solé
Organization: CRP Castelldefels
11.00 a.m. to 11.15 a.m
From the classroom to the circuit: Methodology based on challenges with micro:bit
The talk will address the experience of using the Micro:bit electronic board during an entire course in the Robotics and Programming elective at the Vila-seca Institute in Tarragona, aimed at 1st and 2nd year ESO students.
Throughout the course, a methodology based on challenges related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been implemented. In addition, robotics projects were developed using various materials. At the end of the course, the knowledge gained was applied by creating a pressurized rocket to collect data and participating in a competition with Cutebot vehicles controlled remotely by Micro:bit.
Speaker: Josep A. Oncins Carrion
Organization: Vila-seca Institute
11:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m
We make with the micro:bit: the CONECTA toy and a warning-reminder
The presentation will focus on two educational experiences that promote the maker philosophy and the use of maker spaces.
In the first experience, it will be explained how fifth graders built a game using a shoe box and micro:bit, learning about electrical connections and basic circuits. This activity encouraged students' creativity and critical thinking.
The second experience involved the sixth graders creating an app to help older people remember when to take their medication, using the micro:bit to control pill dispensers with vibrators and LEDs.
Speakers: Eva Gutierrez
Centre: Educem
11:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m
Playing with the micro:bit at the museum. Creative Computing, Generative AI and Visual Arts
The presentation will offer a practical view of how to combine the micro:bit with the Visual Arts. It will show how to "hack" artwork using the micro:bit, Scratch and generative Artificial Intelligence tools.
Ways of creating digital art using the micro:bit and Scratch will also be explored, taking inspiration from renowned artists. These examples are adaptable to Primary and Secondary education and can be integrated transversally in different areas or subjects. The talk will include sharing resources and links to projects for hands-on and creative learning.
This presentation will be focused on STEAM interdisciplinary education (including the A of Arts), Artificial Intelligence (AI), learning-oriented technologies, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration classroom
Speaker: Eduard Muntaner Perich
Organization: University of Girona
11:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m
Let's play?
The presentation will focus on a center experience, where a games day was organized open to all students, from Kindergarten 3 to 6th grade.
The fifth graders themselves created games using the Makey Makey board, while the sixth graders did it with the Micro:bit. The activity was completely free, allowing students to use their creativity to develop the games that most interested them.
Speakers: Olga Armengol Pastallé
Organization: Saint Nicholas School

12:15 to 12:30 p.m
Smart Makers
The paper will describe the school's experience immersed in the SteamCat innovation program and its participation in the Smart Makers project.
This proposal was a finalist in the Smart Makers program and was highlighted as an opportunity to work in groups, develop reasoning strategies, creative justifications and collaboration with the environment.
Speaker: Joan Amatller, Míriam Caurín and Anna Torres
Organization: Joan Perich i Valls School
12:30 to 12:45 p.m
Micro:bit's STEAMcat approach. We inspire the students by inspiring the teachers
The presentation will describe how the Educational Innovation Program works with teachers and students to inspire the development of skills beyond the curricular content.
​The program will share its actions to promote the use of the micro:bit in classrooms, with an approach that emphasizes the generation of solutions to meaningful challenges, creativity, critical thinking and equity.
Speaker: Carolina Crespo López
Organization: STEAMcat Educational Innovation Program - Bellvitge Institute
12:45 to 1:00 p.m
The presentation will deal with how a highly complex school, with students facing social and economic difficulties, uses the environment as an educational methodology.
The robotics environment, which incorporates the microbit card, is a key element in this approach. The speaker shares his experiences and preparations via his Twitter account to provide an overview of how microbit is applied in the classroom in a school with limited resources.
Speakers: Pedro Antonio Fabrega Pérez
Organization: Agnès Armengol School
1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m
Micro:bit, accessibility and inclusion. Experiences with visually impaired students
The presentation will focus on raising teachers' awareness of the importance of using educational materials that promote inclusion in the classroom. It will highlight how the Micro:bit card can be an accessible and usable research and development tool.
The methodological approach of the presentation will focus on the accessibility and usability of the Micro:bit card. It will explain how the Micro:bit can be programmed with different levels of complexity, from using blocks like MakeCode and Scratch to textual languages like JavaScript and Python, to facilitate access to students with different abilities.
Speaker: Mª Teresa Corbella Roqueta / Silvia Boix Hernández
Organization: CREDV-CRE ONCE Barcelona
1:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m
I'm a programmer and I'm blind - amazing right? Barriers and opportunities of technology for people with disabilities
Juanjo Montiel is a blind computer programmer. He learned to program because he needed to be able to use web pages that were not accessible (and most of them still aren't).
Technology has been a revolution for all of us, but especially for people with some kind of disability. Thanks to it, this world has many fewer barriers today. Helping to bring down is one of my greatest challenges and one of my greatest satisfactions, knowing that what you do will help others is the best part of it all.
Speakers: Juanjo Montiel
Organization: Microsoft Ireland

12:15 to 12:30 p.m
What to do with (digital) technology in the classroom?
In today's world, digital technology has become a ubiquitous tool in our lives, and the educational environment is no exception. Integrating technology into the classroom poses exciting opportunities and complex challenges.
In this talk, we will explore three key ideas that will help us navigate this constantly evolving territory. First, the importance of applying common sense in the use of technology as a tool for learning. Second, the need to have a clear understanding of why we incorporate technology into our pedagogical practices. And finally, how to overcome the fear that often surrounds technology in the classroom. Through these ideas, we will explore fundamental questions about how to maximize the potential of technology to enrich the educational experience and prepare our students for a digital future.
Speaker: Silvia Zurita
Organization: FAIG project, CESIRE
12:30 to 12:45 p.m
Intelligent Communications (IoT and 5G) with micro:bit
The presentation will explain the experience in the training cycle of medium degree (SMX) and the specialization course in 5G maintenance with 10 students. The use of the Micro:bit+Wappsto:bit for the learning of Intelligent Communications will be addressed, including concepts of the Internet of Things and 5G at various educational levels.
The practice with sensors that send data to a platform in the cloud is highlighted, as well as the use of actuators that react according to the data from the sensors, activating circuits such as fans or lights. Connection possibilities with different board models (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NB-IoT) and how data can be visualized and shared will be explored, encouraging collaborative experiences between groups in diverse locations.
Speaker: Oscar Alavedra Martí
Organization: Association of Users SomInternet
12:45 to 1:00 p.m
Creation of a collaborative zoo
The talk will cover a series of activities related to creating animal icons and using Micro:bit to form a collaborative network. In the first activity, participants create icons of zoo animals, encouraging the creative and group part of design.
A Micro:bit network is then formed, where each participant selects an animal and shares it with others, creating a shared collection of zoo animals. This activity addresses the concepts of networks, communications management and integrated list management.
Speakers: Tony Barbosa and Eusebi Calonge
Organization: Escola de l'Estany
1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m
STEAM experiences and Cross-Border Learning with the micro:bit.
The presentation will address an educational experience that has involved 170 students from the Arrels of Perpignan school and the Binomi Technopedagogical Center.
Technology, specifically the micro:bit controller, has been used to think of ideas and solutions that can improve the world. Students learned how to program the micro:bit and created their own designs focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This experience has shown how the micro:bit can be a versatile and accessible tool to introduce robotics and programming in diverse educational environments.
Speaker: Maria de Montserrat Oliveras Ballús
Organization: Binomi Technopedagogical Center
1:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m
Let's gamify the classroom with the micro:bit!
The presentation "Let's gamify the classroom with the micro:bit!" will present how to use the micro:bit to create fun and educational activities with third and sixth graders. The use of the radio functionality of the micro:bit for the activities will be highlighted. This approach combines STEAM areas, including design and 3D printing, mathematics, programming and robotics.
In addition, it will highlight how this methodology applies to English as a foreign language classes to improve oral and written skills through the use of the micro:bit.
Speakers: Elena Vercher Ribis
Centre: Sant Jordi School and STEAMcat ambassador