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Project number


Designed to take your micro:bit programming and electronics skills to the next level. Discover more challenging projects and expand your knowledge with this exciting learning opportunity. The workshops will take place in two sessions, so that you all have the opportunity to participate. You should know that the Educational Department will grant you a certificate for attending these workshops. 


IMPORTANT!! Don't forget to bring your laptop!!

Casal de Joves

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-09 a las 0.24.49.png

Specific Level

Room: Santi Junqué of plastic arts

Create a smart vehicle with the possibilities of Cutebot and AI Lens.

Specific Level

Room: Multimedia room

Learn how to make an automatic irrigation control system with the Wappsto:bit expansion board.

Captura de pantalla 2023-09-16 a las 15.13.19.png

Average level

Maite Carranza study room

Build an air quality measurement station: CO2, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-08 a las 23.04.24.png
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Initial level

Sala polivalent 1

Get started in the world of the micro:bit by learning about its basic elements, how to program it and some ideas to apply in the classroom.

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-08 a las 23.41.59.png

Average level

Sala polivalent 2

Program your micro:bit to send and receive messages to other micro:bits via radio waves.

micro:bit Live Madrid 2024 is possible thanks to...


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Event included in the

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