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Compare air quality with the micro:bit board

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-08 a las 23.04.24.png

Workshop 3 -
Compare the air quality with the micro:bit board


Design, build and program a weather station to monitor the air quality in your classroom.


  • Construction of a meteorological station: temperature, humidity, water level (rain gauge), suspended particles, atmospheric pressure.

  • How to use the board in classroom activities with students and how to organize the classroom.

  • Resources available from the micro:bit community and the Department of Education.

Educational level

All levels: from upper primary to training courses


Marisa Monsergas

Degree in Astrophysics, secondary school teacher. Experience as teacher trainer, coordinator of robotics and manipulative mathematics work groups, member of APAMMS and Digital Mentor. STEAMCat ambassador.


Anna Lloveras

Computer engineer, secondary school teacher. Experience in Erasmus+ project leadership, digital training for teachers and Digital Mentor. Ambassador of the STEAMCat program.

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